Friday, August 04, 2006

Determination / Motivation????


Determination is one the greatest assets we can possess. Determination can bring out the best in us. Determination is the tool we use to defeat discouragement. Determination is the tool we use to overcome temporary failure to prevent failure from becoming permanent. Determination is the tool we use to produce patience. Determination is the tool we use to feed our faith and starve our doubts to death. Determination builds character. It helps us become a more reliable person. It helps us meet our commitments. It helps us prioritize and manage our time to maximize positive results. Determination is the tool we use to give us the will to win. Determination is the tool we use to help us win in spite of our limitations. Determination is the tool we use to dig ourselves out of a hole. Determination is the tool we use to improve our relationships. Determination is the tool we use to reach our goals. Determination is the tool we use to succeed. By Linzy Davis
A Definition of Motivation
Motivation can be defined as a concept used to describe the factors within an individual which arouse, maintain and channel behavior towards a goal.
What type of comments have you heard while living the BFL life style???? Do these comments motivate you or do they chip away at your motivation and determination to succeed??? Most of the negative comments I have heard come from those who do not want you to succeed where they have failed or they just don’t understand the BFL life style.
Why is this program so important to you???
Why do you worry so much about fitness???
When are you going to start eating real food?
You will never be able to keep the weight off!
You look great, why are you working out so much?
Come on, let’s go out tonight and have a few drinks!
Why can’t we hear more of:
What are your keys to success?
What keeps you motivated?
You are looking great.
You’re doing a great job!
What types of comments have you heard from your co-workers, friends, fellow trackers, and family while working your butt off? Please give me the good and bad!!!


At 6:22 AM, Blogger Lori said...

What's that thing on his helmet? Did he hit a bug?


At 10:46 AM, Blogger Casey & Lori of Kansas said...

It's his hair!!!!

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Yeah, I realized that later. Looked like a bug splat to me. LOL


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