Saturday, July 15, 2006

Body For Life Weekend Celebration

August 19th, 2006
The weekend is still on!!! Lori and I talked about it last night and agreed that if we get a few to show up it is still a success. Our last weekend, or should I say our first weekend we did this there were six of us.. We had a great time and it was very motivating. I have also talked to the manager of Gold's Gym and if we have TRACKERS come in on Friday we can get you access to our gym for free... So we could get a work out in together!!!
Please let me or Lori if you plan on coming. I am also putting together recommended hotel listings.


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

About the comment on my blog- NO MINE TASTES LIKE CRAP!!! I was just talking to Suz about it this morning. It tastes absolutely terrible and I was burping it all morning. This stuff better do all it promises, LOL!!


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