Tuesday, August 01, 2006

EAS Presents:Phosphagen Elite

EAS Presents:
Phosphagen Elite
Fourth Generation Creatine!
Boosts Muscular Strength And Power And Delays Muscle Fatigue!
Phosphagen Elite the proprietary, patented FGC formula, a revolutionary technology designed to delay the lactic acid "burn" that stops your set cold. Phosphagen Elites ingredients help produce carnosine, a buffer against the lactic acid that limits your short-burst exercise power.
Using Phosphagen Elite may help you:
Boost work capacity, muscular power output, and strength-endurance
Enhance the ability to squeeze extra reps at the end of each set
Aid athletes in moderate distance sprints
Help maintain muscular power Phosphagen Elite is a fourth generation product of advanced creatine that actually helps creatine work better in the muscle. It contains FGC, a proprietary, patented technology containing Beta-Alanine that aids in the production of carnosine to buffer lactic acid and delays muscle fatigue ? MORE REPS. Phosphagen Elite will boost an athlete's muscular strength, power, and distance sprints. It improves power output over creatine alone.
Phosphagen HP has been researched for over six years. Phosphagen Elite prolongs the usefulness of creatine during exercise by boosting the body's ability to tolerate lactic acid. Other products claim to boost creatine storage in muscle, which is beneficial only in the loading phase. Phosphagen Elite with Beta-Alanine should enable users to complete more physical work over a short period of time, (i.e., run faster over short-to-moderate distances, perform more reps in the gym).
This product will be unique in the marketplace as the first creatine
product that makes creatine work better.
Q: How is Phosphagen Elite different from other creatine products?
A: Most specialized creatine products these days are comprised of creatine plus ingredients believed to increase creatine uptake by muscle (i.e. sugars and insulin supporters). While you might realize the effect of creatine sooner by itself, the additional benefits of the added ingredients over straight creatine is minimal after several weeks. Phosphagen Elite goes beyond enhanced creatine storage. It is an advanced creatine technology that works to support creatine use while in the muscle. Specifically, Phosphagen Elite includes FGC…quot;a proprietary, patented fourth generation creatine technology that may increase strength and energy.
Q: What results can I expect from taking Phosphagen Elite?
A: Phosphagen Elite was designed to boost fat-free mass, sprint performance (in cycle ergometer tests), and bench press strength in conjunction with an intense exercise program. Most notably, Phosphagen Elite will help boost work capacity, muscular power output and strength-endurance in exercise bouts up to four minutes. In the gym, you may experience greater muscle endurance at the end of each set. Athletes may discover enhanced "short-burst" intensity and muscular power during the course of a game.
Q: Who should take Phosphagen Elite?
A: Phosphagen Elite can be used by all types of athletes. For example, sprint athletes (i.e. 200m dash) and repeat-bout athletes (i.e. football, hockey) require burst speed in short sprints…quot;sometimes causing a buildup of performance-hindering lactic acid. The buffering effects of Phosphagen Elite should allow these athletes to work to capacity for short bursts. In addition, other athletes that sprint on a more limited basis may benefit as well. As another example, tennis and soccer players are limited by lactate and creatine phosphate availability during repeated intense efforts, and may also benefit from the product. Of course, the ingredients in Phosphagen Elite are beneficial for fitness enthusiasts as well to support increased strength and power, leading to more muscle and improved body composition.


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